Some useful aliases (add to ~/.zshrc) -

vdestroy='vagrant destroy'
vht='vagrant halt'
vit='vagrant init'
vsd='vagrant suspend'
vssh='vagrant ssh'
vst='vagrant status'
vup='vagrant up'

Installation -

brew install vagrant

Installing plugins -

vagrant plugin install <plugin_name>

Plugins that I use [ //TODO ] -

  • vagrant-proxyconf » for using behind proxy
  • vagrant-vbguest » for automatically installing host’s virtualbox guest additions in the guest os

Adding a Box (downloads it so that it can be used further)

vagrant box add debian/jessie64

Init (creates a vagrantfile in the current directory)

vagrant init debian/jessie64

Destroy the current vagrant machine

vagrant destroy

Always place the Vagrantfile under version conntrol

Dont place the .vagrant folder in version control

Add Synced folder

config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"

The shared filesystem gives you a place to store files that won’t be destroyed as a part of vagrant destroy.

Shared filesystems just show up as normal folders on the host, and are therefore easily backed up.

Shared folders incur heavy performance penalty within the virtual machine when there is heavy I/O, so they should only be used for source files.

Forward Port from host to guest "forwarded_port", guest:80, host:8080

Provisioning - problem of installing software on a booted system

Vagrant, by default, runs all the provisioning shell scripts as root so there is no need to include sudo in the commands specified in the file

The provisioning method that I commonly use -

# run the provisioning commands that need root
config.vm.provision "shell", privilege: true, path: ""

# non-root provisioning commands
config.vm.provision "shell", privilege: false, path: ""